Book your PCR test here:

    PCR TEST AT THE SPANISH BORDER in Girona Costa Brava Catalonia: Negative PCR test result only 1 hour away from the border between Spain and France.

    You can now have your PCR TEST AT THE SPANISH BORDER in Girona (PCR, ARN SARS-CoV2 test) a maximum of 48 hours before arrival in the destiny.

    The negative test result is provided in English or Spanish. The document is checked on 5 points:

    1-Type of test: A molecular PCR test and a test for Sars-Cov-2 / COVID-19. Any other type of test, including a quick test, is not valid.

    2-Test Result: Must be negative (or not detected).

    3-First and last name: according to the passport.

    4-Date and time of test: The test must be a maximum of 48 hours old upon arrival in the Netherlands.

    5-Information of institute or laboratory that administered the Corona test. !!!

    Those individuals travelling from within the EU / Schengen need to be able to show the test result with an original signature from the doctor or institution that administered the test.

    -48 hours: The time between the moment of taking the test and the arrival in the Netherlands may not exceed 48 hours. The PCR test result must be known before someone leaves for their destiny.

    -Do you have a positive result on a COVID-19 test? Not only are you not allowed to travel. You must stay in that country until the symptoms are over. You will need to follow the advice of the local health services until your symptoms disappear and test negative for corona.

    Source: Information from the UK Government .

    -What is a PCR test?

    The PCR test is a polymer chain reaction test. The test shows whether someone is carrying the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2).

    In the corona test, a piece of genetic material obtained from a throat and nasal swab is analysed to show whether the virus is present.

    -How is the PCR test administered?

    The nurse takes some mucus with a throat and nasal swab. Our laboratory analyzes your material.

    -How long does it take to get the Corona test result?

    PCR results are obtained within 12-24 hours.

    SARS-CoV-2 Antigen rapid results are obtained within 15-20 minutes.

    -What are the PCR test costs?

    The costs of a Corona test are € 100. For members € 85.

    The costs of a SARS-CoV-2 Antigen rapid test are € 35. For members € 28.